Monday, April 2, 2012

"Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life"

This has been my mantra since reading in on My Pretty Pennies last week.  I am going to come clean:  I have been majorly feeling sorry for myself lately.  Work has been very stressful and I am feeling burned out.  While I feel great about the progress we have made with our finances since our nuptials, I hate that we are not yet where I would like us to be.  T has been maxed out at work as well, and comes home late at least three nights a week.  And overall, I am just doing that horrible-no good-very bad thing where I look at someone else, ANYONE else, and just assume her life is infinitely more charmed than mine.  It is SO ridiculous, but nonetheless, a very dangerous place to be when it comes to mental health.

So how to snap out of it?  I thought about a mini shopping spree to pick up some trendy seasonal items to add to my wardrobe, and headed to Target.  I filled my arms with stylish little tops and dresses, and then something crazy happened:  I put them all back.  I couldn't bring myself to spend the money.  I knew the clothes weren't going to make my feel more content in the long term, since they had nothing to do with my funk.  I came home, made myself  a healthy lunch, and relaxed in the yard with my puggies.  I came up with the following truisms:

1. Instead of dreading returning to work, I am going to be thankful I have a job t return to.  It may be stressful right now, but it pays the bills.  Many others are not so fortunate.
2. I love my husband.  We have such a unique bond and I am grateful for him all the time
3. I have and emergency fund.  
4. We own our home. 
5. We will be debt-free in a matter of months
6.  I have wonderful friends, who came over friday night for a pizza and wine session that resulted in so much laughter, my cheeks were sore from smiling.
7. I am able to afford travel expenses to go home and see my sister & parents next week.  i am ready to relax with my family!
8.  I bought jeans (skinny jeans, no less!) a size smaller than my usual at the Gap
9. It is a sunny day and I am headed out for a long walk

And eventually, numbers 1-9 lead to...

10.  I have nothing to be blue about.  Life is good.  Get over yourself, A!

Am I the only one who gets into these funks from time to time?  If not, how do y'all beat the blues?