Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday morning = love

This is one of those mornings.  You know the type.  You wake up peaceful and feeling accomplished.  I mean, for me, the best saturday mornings are definitely the ones following a friday payday.  Paying bills, allocating to our savings, and tossing money towards our debt makes me feel ridiculously content.

Today, T let me sleep til 8.  Well, actually I pretended not to hear my puggies howling because I reeeeeaaaallly wanted a few more minutes of bed time.  He's off to the store to get ingredients to make french toast for breakfast, which is his only go-to meal, but he does it well ;-)

I spent some extra $$ buying birdseed to fill out feeders because I've noticed a few mockingbirds and cardinals hanging around the yard.  Call me old-lady, but I seriously love me some birds.  So...the bird feeders are full of seed and cutesy little birds, our bills are paid and money is organized, and I am curled up on the sunporch with my little puggies, my laptop, and my first cup of coffee.

Now, if this little nugget would visit my feeder, I would really be a happy girl!  Seriously, where do birds like this live?!

Happy Saturday!!!

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